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About Us

CODE YOU is a non-profit organization that offers healthcare professionals wholistic care as they face feelings of apathy, isolation, and compassion fatigue.


We do this by helping healthcare professionals develop their own spiritual care plan, find a deepening connection with God, and a restored heart and soul. We provide tools and support as they learn spiritual practices like breath prayer, gratitude journaling, in-the-car Yoga, meditative hikes, and art-based healing practices.


Our Team

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Phyllis Morton



As a seasoned nurse, Phyllis both enjoyed and endured many nursing experiences such as working in a pediatric burn unit, a psychiatric unit, and a school. She even did a couple of rigorous tours through head nursing and administration jumping over to office gynecology. She trained at the University of Missouri for both her BSN and MSN. She later trained as a Spiritual Director at SMU which broadened her ability to walk beside people as they seek God, lead retreats, soul-care groups, and recovery groups.


Tamara Ramirez



Tamara worked as a hospice nurse for nearly two decades. After leaving full-time nursing practice, she worked in advocacy for several organizations. She is a trained NAMI Family to Family teacher, who partners with counselors in caring for the spiritual health of those who live with a mental illness. She brings her years of caring for those dealing with grief, suffering, and death along with her as she seeks to create healing spaces for healthcare professionals by reminding them of their true purpose in life. She has her BSN from Azusa Pacific University, SD (Spiritual Direction) from Perkins School of Theology, and Master's in Spiritual Formation and Direction from Richmond Graduate University.

Our Board

Code You's mission is resuscitating and strengthening the heart and soul of nursing. We envision a wholistically healthy healthcare system offering transformative care to the communities they seek to serve.


To accomplish this ambitious mission we are dedicated to equipping nurse leaders to embrace, employ and vigorously defend brave healing spaces for their nursing teams. To acknowledge the acute need for more compassionate, reflective, empowered leadership.


Code You's board of directors wholeheartedly support this mission with a powerful combination of experience in nursing leadership, spiritual direction, non-profit management, academia, and executive expertise.


Constanza Roeder

President of the Board

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Mary Hernandez

Board Director

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Mary Piker


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Ken Ramirez

Board Director


John McFadden


Let's Connect

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