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Resuscitating and strengthening the heart and soul of nursing

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3 0f 5

3 out of every 5 acute care nurses report feeling burned out *

4 of 5

Nearly 4 out of every 5 report feeling stressed, frustrated and exhausted *

Compassion Fatigue.
Moral Injury.

depressed, overwhelmed, stressed nurse

Nurses are hurting, isolated, discouraged, overwhelmed.

Their hearts are hardening.

Their souls are bleeding.

They need (they deserve!) personalized, holistic, experiential, in-person healing for their heart (physical), and soul (spiritual) that overflows to impact the whole self.

Abstract Background

We Understand.

Battle-tested RNs certified in Spiritual Direction, Phyllis and Tamara are experts at creating brave healing spaces.

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Phyllis Morton



Tamara Ramirez


Our love language includes:

  • Holistic Teaching


  • Mentoring


  • Reflection​

  • Active Listening​​​


  • Spiritual Sense of Connection

  • Empowerment


  • Compassion


  • Accountability

Heal Your Heart & Soul.







Acknowledge your whole self needs and deserves physical and spiritual healing

Make yourself a priority and resolve to start your healing journey

Take the "Triage Your Heart & Soul" assessment to see in what areas CODE YOU might help you the most

Register for an upcoming retreat and/or rally your team to host your own

Are you a nurse leader with a passion for healing and spiritual care? Consider becoming an endorsed CODE YOU retreat facilitator and a force multiplier for resuscitating the heart and soul of nursing.

Help Others Heal.

What does a CODE YOU Retreat include?

Move from isolation and apathy to connection, compassion fatigue to empathy, and job dissatisfaction to a renewed sense of purpose and meaning.

5 CE contact hours

typically 10 AM - 2:30 PM

Our time together feels like a retreat. We do short teaching sessions on compassion fatigue, the impact of spirituality on overall health, and practical tools to renew nurses' hearts and souls. Participants have time to journal on their own, do simple yoga practices, connect with nature, create not-so-artistic art, eat together and develop their own spiritual care plan.

Physical + Spiritual = Overflowing Impact

icon representing the physical body


  • Body Awareness


  • Compassion


  • Boundaries​


  • ​Strength


  • Accountability


  • Commitment

icon repesenting the spiritual soul


  • Reflection


  • Meaning


  • Spirituality​


  • ​Boldness


  • Joy


  • Courage

icon representing the overflow of your whole self

(Whole Self)

  • Presence


  • Purpose


  • Connection​


  • ​Empowerment


  • Passion


  • Kindness

Review our annual update to see the specific impacts CODE YOU is having on retreat participants.

"What a great retreat! By identifying my spiritual pathways and learning new yoga breaths and relaxation techniques, I have tools to improve patient and self-care."

Kristen P.  ~  (RN)

"My experience with this course was phenomenal. I feel restored spiritually and emotionally in patient care. I've applied the tools learned in this course and highly recommend it to all nursing"

Janet W.  ~  (Chaplain)

White Sand and Stone

Let's Stay Connected

Subscribe to our newsletter and get updates about upcoming retreats and inspiration

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Make Yourself a Priority.

Take the "Triage Your Heart & Soul" assessment to see in what areas CODE YOU might help you the most

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